VRate questionnaire displayed in the environment

Extended Reality for Challenging Environments Lab

Our Vision - Make the Impossible Possible in the Virtual Worlds

Person with head mounted display in front of a backprojection wall

The central vision of our XCE-Lab is to research XR technologies for simulation of challenging environments, situations and contexts. We focus on contexts and situations that are difficult to realize in the real world and therefore have an urgent need for simulation. For example, realistic training for first responders in the area of (CBRNe) hazards, high-risk situations (e.g. rampage) or natural disasters and dangerous situations in industry and mobility.

The XCE-Lab focusses on the following design-driven subtopics:


The greatest strength of our team is the multidisciplinary background of the more than 10 Lab members.

In our team we combine classical HCI research background with specialists from the fields of visualization, simulation, neuroscience, psychology, cognitive science and business administration. These different research backgrounds enable out of the box thinking and the creation of unique interaction paradigms and a positive user experience.

The team is leaded by Markus Murtinger, who is working for more than 15 years in the field of HCI research and Technology Experience and was involved in more than 150 research and business projects.

Case Studies

5 Police oficers in VR training

Our research team is currently working on more than 12 national and international projects in the field of XR.

We would like to introduce a selection of the following past and ongoing projects by the lab team:


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Data Protection

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Center for Technology Experience
Giefinggasse 2 | 1210 Vienna | Austria

Data Protection Office: dpo(at)ait.ac.at

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In order to exercise your rights, please contact office(at)ait.ac.at.

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Legal Notice

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Center for Technology Experience
Giefinggasse 2 | 1210 Vienna | Austria

Service contact: technologyexperience [at] ait (dot) ac (dot) at
Fundamental aim: The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH – Center for Technology Experience is the owner of this website. The website is designed to provide information about the XCE lab.
Company register number: 115980 i
Court responsible for company register: Vienna Commercial Court
VAT reg. no.: ATU 14703506
Supervisory authority: Rechnungshof
Chamber: Economic Chamber Vienna
Purpose of business: Research and development projects of any kind including related services
Managing Directors: DI Anton Plimon, Univ.Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Knoll
President of the Supervisory Board: Peter Schwab (voestalpine AG)
Deputy chair persons of the Supervisory Board: Isabella Meran-Waldstein (Federation of Austrian Industries IV), Katja Schechtner (MIT Senseable City Lab)
Supervisory Board: Hannah Glatz (Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology BMK), Harald Loos (Siemens AG Österreich) Wolfgang Pell (Verbund AG), Rupert Pichler (Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology BMK), Klaus Pseiner (Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft FFG) Brigitte Ratzer (TU Wien), Anton Schantl (Magna Steyr Fahrzeugtechnik), Henriette Spyra (Head of Directorate general III, Innovation and Technology, Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology BMK)
Members fo the Supervisory Board appointed by works´ council: Ursula Sauer (works council chairwoman), Christian Gärtner, Andrew Lindley, Elisabeth Mrakotsky-Kolm, Christina Tamas, Hubert Umschaden
Shareholders: Republic of Austria (Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology - BMVIT): 50.46%; Federation of Austrian Industries: 49.54%
